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One of my America Online access numbers...

Sighting by Ragnarosen

Is 305-423-1010 (Miami, FL V90/K56)

The "Um Jammer Lammy" FAQ section on GameFAQs is located at:

Sighting by Ragnarosen

In a CRZ report...

Crash falls into position for Mae Young to chop her crotch - then completely miss the bronco buster - then try again. Kill me now. Henry jumps up and down on the outside. Hardcore in with a decapitation clothesline. Crash with the - ahem - running powerslam for the pinfall. Thank God, it's over. (2:31)

While checking out my fonts...

Sighting by Ragnarok

I found these!

After the Super Bowl was over, the chips were gone, and the beer cans were all empty, the final score...

Was 23-16 (sorry, I just had to put another Super Bowl reference on the site :)>

His street address...

Sighting by BobCFed08

is 231 Tennessee Ave.

From a Miami Herald article about Bill Gates...

Sighting by Ragnarosen

"Bill Gates' 2000 tax bill for his Seattle-area house adds up to more money than most of us will ever see, but the $1,076,231 figure is a paltry 1/100,000 of his estimated worth of $100 billion."

The Lego Fire Fighter HQ...

Sighting by JeffreyAtW

Contains 231 pieces.

In English class...

Sighting by Justin McNeil

I have Literature book #231

The Population of Padua, Italy...

Sighting by JeffreyAtW 231,000.


Sighting by JeffreyAtW

On a crumpled up piece of paper...

After placing her vote in a poll at RPGamer...

Sighting by Mikosi

She found she was the 231st person to vote for that catergory.

At Rocket Town...

Sighting by JeffreyAtW

Look closely at this splash screen!

While in Montreal, Quebec, Canada...

Sighting by Serpent231

They don't get any better than this.

Seen the number 231 lately? Just tell me!

231 Sightings Main Page
231 Sightings 1-35 (Page 1)

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