TTT H H EEE W W W III ZZZZ AA RRR DDD OO FFF OO ZZZZ T H H E W W W I Z A A R R D D O O F O O Z T HHH EE W W W I Z AAAA RRR D D O O FF O O Z T H H E W W W I Z A A R R D D O O F O O Z T H H EEE WwW III ZZZZ A A R R DDD OO F OO ZZZZ IIIIIIIII A QQQ I A Q Q I A A Q Q I A A Q Q I A A Q Q I AAAAA Q Q I A A Q Q Q I A A Q Q Q I A A Q Q IIIIIIIII A A QQQ Q by Jeffrey Faden Version 0 Last Updated 7.12.2001 ----------------- |Table of Contents| ----------------- __ / \ ( I ) Updates \__/ / \ ( II ) Infrequently Asked Questions \__/ / \ ( III) Characters \__/ / \ ( VI ) Walkthrough \__/ / \ ( V ) Links \__/ / \ ( VI ) Thanks \__/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------- |Updates| ------- v. 0 -- July 12, 2001 - Began the IAQ. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------------------------- |Infrequently Asked Questions| ---------------------------- *skips general IAQ questions...* Q: How would one pull a Wizard of Oz IAQ off? A: Well, it's simple, really. There are four playable characters, an array of enemies, friendly NPCs and towns, and a main enemy. It fits perfectly. Also, like recent RPGs adopting a theme, there are many in this one: Knowledge, Emotions, Courage, and Home. Q: Do you plan to do anything with this IAQ? A: Like turning it into an RPG Maker 2000 game? Argh, no. This is a simple, humble IAQ that I actually intend to finish rather than glorify. Q: Why can't I be as smart as you, Jeffrey? A: :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------- |Characters| ---------- ********* *Dorothy* ********* Dorothy is a country girl originally from Kansas. She isn't happy with her life; her family is a bunch of hicks, she is constantly tormented by a neighbor who hates her dog, Toto, and the scenery is bland. All this changes when she arrives in Oz. Weapon: Picnic Basket Skill: Sing - sings ballads with different themes, afflicting different elemental and status effects. Strength: 20 Defense: 20 Stamina: 30 *********** *Scarecrow* *********** The Scarecrow was created recently to scare away the crows from the fields of Oz, but he isn't working, so to speak. He blames himself because he claims he lacks a brain. Weapon: Gloves Skill: Scare - Low chance of scaring enemy away. Strength: 15 Defense: 20 Stamina: 35 ******** *Tinman* ******** The Tinman used to be a regular lumberjack, until many accidents with his axe in the forest eventually replaced every part of his body with tin. Requiring frequent oiling, he rusted himself stiff in the forest, because he lacks a heart to keep working. Weapon: Axe Skill: Chop - In certain areas, chops down a tree to attack all enemies. Strength: 30 Defense: 30 Stamina: 15 ****** *Lion* ****** The Lion used to be the king of the animals until an accident with hunters that took his courage away. He roams the forest, trying to scare animals away, but most of them now scare him first. Weapon: None Skill: Pounce - Controls an enemy's commands until it is attacked. Strength: 25 Defense: 25 Stamina: 15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ----------- |Walkthrough| ----------- ---KANSAS--- This is a small village. The people of the town talk of hard times and a dull life. (For added effect, the town is covered with a shade of gray.)